Welcome to Living Mindfully

Hi there, I am Lana Goes,

I am a Financial Professional in my day job, and I love to offer my pearls :) in my spare time. I love writing about life lessons, personal development, self-improvement, and self-awareness—the important life skills for living mindfully.

I journal on days I’m pressed for time, and on other days, I write on Medium. I used to write on my blog, some fancy publications, and Quora, but now you’ll only find me on Medium and Substack. I’m trying to streamline my writing life.

I’ve always been curious and enjoy how the human mind works, whether it’s yours or mine. So, my writing will be focused on those topics.

I had a long sabbatical from writing ( 20 years!!), and when I started again at the age of 40, I went down many writing rabbit holes. So now I’m into no-fluff writing—i.e., writing on my terms.

I’ve created Living Mindfully because it is an important skill required to make the life we were meant to live. By living mindfully, we become authors and architects of our lives. We know we are all meant for great things, but keep getting stuck.

I believe Journaling is the best gift we can give ourselves, and I am a journaling fanatic of sorts. I offer the following paid resources:

Journaling with Intention E-Book available on Gumroad

Journaling with Intention Digital course available on Udemy

Hope to see you around.

I am hoping to get to know you better.

You can find my profile on Medium

I intend to publish once a week.


Lana. xo

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Want to get off the hamster wheel, out of autopilot mode, and lead a mindful life? Get my pearls of wisdom on life, personal development, self-improvement, and self-awareness.